Over 75 years ago, a few brave souls joined together to give back to their community and make a positive impact. They formed the Chico Noon Exchange Club, officially chartered on June 28, 1946.
Throughout its long and impactful history, the Chico Noon Exchange Club has left a legacy around Chico, such as a dedicated Family Room in the Torres Shelter. In Bidwell Park, the origins of Camellia picnic area were sponsored by the Chico Noon Exchange Club. At the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, benches near the Rose Garden were sponsored by the Chico Noon Exchange Club. And more importantly, there is a wide-spread community impact of service projects for veterans, seniors, and youth homes/shelters. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised and donated to non-profit organizations right here in Chico to support veterans and prevent child abuse. Over the decades, our Club has been large and small, yet all the while still serving our community, having fun, and making an impact so we all have a better place to live.